Be Encouraged

Jul 17, 2022    Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: I am encouraged when I choose to focus on God's presence, believe in God's promises, and trust in his plans for my life.

Discouragement is one of the most potent tools of the enemy in our lives. Satan will use discouragement to beat our faith down, to separate us from truth, and to destroy us and what is important to us. Discouragement can drive us from faith, from God, from God’s people, church, dreams, hopes, etc. Discouragement can be very dangerous. We all need to be encouraged from time to time because we all can get discouraged from time to time..
In Genesis 15 we sense that Abraham is a bit discouraged. God tells him “Do not fear.” Abraham is concerned over the fact that ten years after being promised a son he hasn’t received the promised son yet. He is now 85 years old. Ten years have passed since he left Haran and moved into Canaan.
Abraham is in need of some reassurance and encouragement, and God gives him just that. The things that we learn in this passage of Scripture are things we can apply in our lives when we find ourselves in need of encouragement, reassurance, uplifting, etc.