A Church That Pursues God
Bottom line: When we pursue God with our whole heart we find Him.
What did Asa do that led the nation to pursue God and find Him? What are the things we may need to do as a church and as individuals to pursue God and find Him?
1) Expel idolatry from our lives. An idol is external, but idolatry is internal. It is a heart issue. Idolatry is putting or placing someone or something at a higher priority than God.
2) Renew the altar of the Lord. As believers we have an altar through whom we meet with and worship God, Jesus (Heb 13:10). Worship is at the heart of pursuing God.
3) Seek the Lord with all our heart, soul, and desire.
Pursuing God with all our hearts and souls means that we let go of and turn away from our idols and sin, renew our place at the altar (who is Jesus), and seek Him with our whole self in worship, prayer, and God's Word.