A Church That Practices Presence
Bottom line: Because of God’s love for His people, He desires His presence to dwell among us. Because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross and the Spirit’s indwelling us, we can dwell in His presence.
God has always desired to dwell among His redeemed people. In Christ, we not only have access to and atonement with God, and can see the glory of God; but we have the very presence of God living in us. God moved into the neighborhood (of humanity), died for us, and said, “I will be your God and you will be my people. You can come into my presence anytime you like and stay as long as you want.”
In Exodus 40 we see three things the children of Israel that foreshadow how we can practice the presence of God: 1) obey God, 2) reverence God, and 3) follow God.