The Day After Christmas

Dec 26, 2021    Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: It's the day after Christmas. What will you do with Jesus?

Sometimes we treat Jesus like a Christmas ornament or a nativity prop. Christmas is over, and we put Him away. But Jesus is certainly not an ornament or a prop. When the Shepherds came to Bethlehem, what did they find in the manger? The found the "Lamb of God" wrapped in swaddling clothes. The found the "Bread of Life" lying in a feeding trough. They found the "Water of Life" lying in a watering trough. And a as a result of what they found they made proclamation, wondered and pondered, and gave glory and praise to God. Their example is a good one to follow. What will you do with Jesus? Trust Him as Savior? Deeply think of what He has done for you? Praise God with a grateful heart because He is the Savior?