The Joy of Christmas.

Dec 19, 2021    Student Pastor Josh Croswell

Bottom line: Because of Jesus, there is always joy.

In this message we will look at three major distraction that take our eyes and heart of of Jesus and the joy that is found in Him. These three major distraction are commercialism, busyness, and family. Our distractions with commercialism, busyness, and our families get-togethers can often rob us of true Christmas Joy, by taking our attention off Christ.
How can we get past these 3 major distractions that distract us from the true meaning of Christmas? We will look at Jesus’ Dysfunctional Family Tree to Find Out. We focus on 4 people, the four women in his genealogy, the women are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba.
First thing we learn is that God has a plan.
Secondly, we learn from these women that the good news of Jesus is for all people.
Thirdly, these women display God’s grace.
Lastly, because of God’s grace we need to learn to focus on Jesus.