Feed Yourself

Jan 2, 2022    Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: Welcome God's Word into your heart but don't fail to do your part. Feed yourself by hearing consistently and acting instantly.

As we begin a new year, let's evaluate how we are doing with regards to our expectations that we be self-feeders of God's Word. Ask the questions: 1) Do I welcome God's Word into my heart? Is that my attitude? God, You're Word is welcome here. You know it is welcome when you down with God putting His finger on a spot in your life and saying, "That's it. That's the spot that needs to change." 2) Do act instantly on what God's Word reveals that you need to do? How are you doing in the area of obedience to God's convicting Spirit?

Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." We need spiritual food. We need it consistently. Let's evaluate how we are doing as self-feeders. Little babies can't feed themselves. Lazy children won't feed themselves. But we all know that the normal and right thing to do as we grow is to feed ourselves. The same is true spiritually. As we grow in the Lord, let's take on the responsibility to feed ourselves.