Give Financially
Bottom line: When I trust God to give away the "more than I need," then I can be used by God to bless others that are in need.
In Luke 12, Jesus addresses the issue of what to do (how to think about) our "more than we need." He warns us to not look on our finances as absolutely necessary to life, i.e. don't equate your stuff with your life. When you do that you believe that every thing that comes your way is for you now or for you in the future. It squelches our generosity, our opportunities to be a blessing and to be blessed by God.
Generosity changes us. It allows us to look more like God. Generosity helps us to invest in what matters most, the eternal not simply the temporal. And Generosity frees our hearts. One of the best ways to combat greediness in our lives is to give generously to others' needs.