Relinquishing The Will
Bottom line: In a new season of ministry, the power (ability) of God flows through willing obedience (availability) rooted in faith.
It takes the surrendering our wills to answer the call of God on our lives as we enter into new season. Surrender is word that can conjure up images of waving white flags and laying down arms. It carries the idea of giving up and giving in. Defeat and humiliation go hand in hand with surrender. But when God calls us to surrender, He’s not calling us to wave a white flag or live with a sense of defeat and humiliation. A better metaphor for surrendering to God is a wedding in which we surrender our heart out of love and relationship. A white flag surrender indicates losing. In a wedding you surrender but you don’t lose, you gain. Surrender is about trusting God and His heart for you and entrusting your heart to Him. It’s like the surrender experienced at a wedding ceremony.