The Surety Of Jesus Second Coming

Jun 27, 2021    Pastor Chad Thompson    2 Peter 1:16-21

Bottom line: In due time Jesus will come again. We have God’s Word on it. In the mean time Jesus’ light will transform us. We have God’s Word for it.

Peter gave firsthand eyewitness testimony of his seeing the coming glory of Jesus in his kingdom when Peter saw Jesus on the Mt. of Transfiguration. He then tells his readers that we have an even more sure word than his eyewitness testimony. We have God's Word on it. We have a "more sure word of prophecy." It is "for sure" Jesus is coming again. And we are "more sure" because God has given us His Word on it. In the mean time, we need to keep our eyes on the Daystar (Jesus) and let Him transform us in heart, mind, and soul.