Yet 40 Days...

Mar 13, 2022    Pastor Chad Thompson

Bottom line: God relents His judgment toward us when we repent toward Him.

Jonah expected God to relent His judgement because He knew God to be longsuffering, kind, gracious, etc. He expected a revival among the people of Nineveh because he expected God to empower the preaching of His Word and to stir the hearts of the people.

When it comes to idea of revival among God's people today and a sweeping stirring among people far from God, what are your expectations? If we don't expect it (conviction, power, revival, etc.), what does that say about our view of God, His character, and His power?

Our story is in the book of Jonah. We’re all like Jonah and the Ninevites. It’s time to stop running, stop hiding, stop rebelling, and come clean before God. It’s time to listen, hear, believe and respond with change through repentance.