Jesus Is Coming

Nov 11, 2020    Pastor Chad Thompson    1 Thess. 4:1-13

The return of Christ was something that the Thessalonian believers were looking for. They believed it could happen at any moment and they had questions in regards to their loved ones that had passed on: what if the Lord should return? Would their deceased loved one be handicapped in any way? Would they be left out of the rapture all together, i.e. did they miss it and its presumed blessings? Will those who are alive at His coming have an advantage over the believers who have died?
So Paul writes to say, “Hey, I don’t want you to be ignorant, misinformed, uninformed…”
Paul took time to answer these questions. He based his encouragement and comfort on five fundamental facts.
1) We have God's Word
2) Christ is coming
3) The dead in Christ will rise
4) Living believers will be raptured
5) Christians will forever be with the Lord