Premeditated Obedience
Bottom line: Premeditated obedience causes us to stand when our faith is under fire.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were given a command by Nebuchadnezzar (law of the land) that directly conflicted with God's law. What did they do? The refused to bow down in worship or bend in submission. They stood when their faith was under fire because they had a premeditated obedience to God. However, as a result of their stand, they faced the consequences of defying the law of the land. And they were willing to do so.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered three questions that we all need to answer now so that we are prepared to stand in the moments to come when our faith is under fire.
1) Who are we going to worship?
2) What will be our authority?
3) Are we willing to pay the price of obedience to God?